Tech – international business consultants (Tech-ibc)
is an internationally active engineering and business consultancy company
providing services especially to clients with subsidiaries in Asian countries.
- Repeatedly reduced turnover
- Languishing or decreasing market share
- Low performance and efficiency in general
- Pending entrance into Chinese market
Digging for the reasons, it can befound that several obstructions appear together and influence different areas of the company leading to so-called “pain chains”.
Examples of typical issues connected to repeatedly missing the targets:
If you are in a leading position and find same or similar issues in your company or business area …
Analysing the list of issues shows that different skills, experience and knowledge are required due to the multidisciplinary character of the problem(s). A holistic approach is required if a sustainable solution should be found.
Due to the complexity such task cannot be handled by an individual. A sustainable improvement can only be reached, when product valuation, marketing and management are not separated timely and / or functionally.
A team of experts is necessary covering the different areas of expertise required to find solutions for such complex problems.
Profit by our Joined-up Competence ...
"We unite engineering, marketing and management skills in one team!"
We reveal
previously latent potentials and make them beneficial to our
companies. We analyse the areas of interest, provide
detailed suggestions for
improvement and efficiently realize improvements in
accordance to the targets
of the owners or board members.
Finally, decided changes are implemented without delay by adapting the structure and the concerned internal processes to the targets. Only a strictly-focused management dedicated to improvement can achieve this.
"Together with us our clients optimize internal processes, and reduce costs and losses
which finally leads to a higher EBIT!"
In the course of many of our project we get deep insight into internal issues of our client companies. Accordingly, we pay strong attention to handle all received information confidentially.